10. HANA Tech Night

3.6.2023 in Mannheim


  • 18:00 Admission
  • 18:15 Start of the HANA Tech Night
  • 18:30 A Primer to SAP HANA Cloud's Vector Engine (Mathias Kemeter)
  • 19:15 Integration of Machine Learning in Calculation Views - a Use Case for Customer data segmentation (Benedict Baur)
  • 20:00 Pizza or Barbecue, Drinks & Networking
  • 20:45 Exchange of experiences SAP Datasphere (Christopher Kampmann)
  • 21:15 Have a drink and have fun

Organisational Topics

  • Rest Rooms
  • Free WLAN “Wifi by PfalzKomMAnet”
  • Share in Social Media! use #HANATechNight

Happy Birthday - 10.th HANA Tech Night

  • Thank you to
    • all the speakers for their interesting talks
    • SAP for sponsorship of some HTNs
    • All Participants


# Thank you HP Seitz ![](https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/thank-you-placard-concept-illustration_114360-13436.jpg?w=2000&t=st=1717418902~exp=1717419502~hmac=b083763906e20d1695eab6ccdadfd5bccef37edda8dece096fa5e8cf1f8c1b16) * **HP Seitz** has left the organisation team of the HTN //