Delta-Verfahren über CDPOS und CDHDR - Lösung
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZSQL_EXT_CDPOS'
@Analytics.dataCategory: #FACT
@Analytics.dataExtraction: { enabled: true,
delta: { 'TSTMP' } }
define view zcds_extractor_cdpos
as select distinct from cdpos as pos
inner join cdhdr as hdr on pos.objectclas = hdr.objectclas
and pos.objectid = hdr.objectid
and pos.changenr = hdr.changenr
inner join adrp as ad on ad.persnumber = substring( pos.tabkey, 4, 10 )
and ad.date_from = substring( pos.tabkey, 14, 8 )
key ad.persnumber as Persnumber,
key ad.date_from as DateFrom,
@Semantics.systemDateTime.lastChangedAt: true
dats_tims_to_tstmp(hdr.udate, hdr.utime, 'UTC', $session.client, 'NULL' ) as tstmp,
ad.nation as Nation,
ad.date_to as DateTo,